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Top 10 Hotels in Krakow

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Mon, 24 Mar - Tue, 25 Mar


St. Mary’s Basilica’s stately sienna facade highlights the aged, erudite environment of Poland’s cultural centre. Its Main Market Square’s surrounding landmarks provide a vivid glimpse into medieval Europe, encapsulated in the fire-breathing Dragon at Wawel Castle. The darkest parts of Krakow’s history linger in Auschwitz and fragments of the Jewish ghetto, yet are indelibly linked to its identity, and through museums and cultural institutions galore, Krakow tells an unforgettable story. recently found 1963 hotels in Krakow, Poland. Find a range of accommodation in Krakow at great prices. Book luxury Krakow hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Krakow with affordable room rates.

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